Portfolio Items

Wild Days, 2022, Acrylic, ink, gesso and pigment on stitched canvas, 165x 124cm.
Wild Days, 2022, Acrylic, ink, gesso and pigment on stitched…

Afternoon Dream, 2022, Gesso, oil stick, pigment and ink on stitched canvas, 115x115cm.
Afternoon Dream, 2022, Gesso, oil stick, pigment and ink on stitched…

Late Afternoon, 2022, Gesso, acrylic and pigment on stitched canvas, 120x103cm.
Late Afternoon, 2022, Gesso, acrylic and pigment on stitched…

Salt Lake Shoreline, 2020, Earth pigment, acrylic and ink on canvas, 122 x 102 cm. The sparce vegetation and sand surrounding the salt lake. SOLD.
Salt Lake Shoreline, 2020, Earth pigment, acrylic and ink on…

Rhythmic Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 125x102cm. Prickles, spikes and barbs... SOLD.
Rhythmic Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic on sewn…

Morning Walk in the Spinifex, 2020, Earth pigment, wax, charcoal, graphite, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 125x150cm. SOLD.
Morning Walk in the Spinifex, 2020, Earth pigment, wax, charcoal,…

Frayed Landscape, 2020, Ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 160x150cm.
Frayed Landscape, 2020, Ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 160x…

Dead Insects on a Pink Salt Lake, 2020, Acrylic and oil on sewn canvas, 150x150cm.
Dead Insects on a Pink Salt Lake, 2020, Acrylic and oil on sewn…

Late Afternoon, 2020, Aerosol, charcoal, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 164x164cm.
Late Afternoon, 2020, Aerosol, charcoal, ink and acrylic on sewn…