Portfolio Items

Beneath the Surface, 2020, Ink and Earth pigment on handmade native grass paper, rag paper and canvas, 300 x 90cm. This work consists of studies created while at Curtin Springs. I have used ochre from the station, some of it has been printed with the use of dried camel poo pellets, scratched, poured, rubbed and buffed onto the paper. Studies of desert oak cones, desert grevillea pods and the repeated eye symbol comes from the desert oak cone itself.
Beneath the Surface, 2020, Ink and Earth pigment on handmade…

Rhythmic Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 125x102cm. Prickles, spikes and barbs... SOLD.
Rhythmic Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic on sewn…

Morning Walk in the Spinifex, 2020, Earth pigment, wax, charcoal, graphite, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 125x150cm. SOLD.
Morning Walk in the Spinifex, 2020, Earth pigment, wax, charcoal,…

Landscape with Cross Bracing, 2020, Earth pigment, acrylic, charcoal and ink on sewn canvas, 150x170cm. Remnants of ambitious dreams. Remnants of determination. Remnants of joy. Remnants of heartache.
Landscape with Cross Bracing, 2020, Earth pigment, acrylic, charcoal…

Deconstructed Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic on sewn canvas, 150x150cm.
Deconstructed Landscape, 2020, Earth pigment, ink and acrylic…